Dear participants and guests of the VIII Congress of Oncologists and Radiologists of Kazakhstan!
In accordance with the anti-epidemic requirements to limit the spread of COVID-19 infection, access to the Congress Hall is limited, for breakout sessions up to 20 people in the hall. It is necessary to observe social distancing, mask regime and other sanitary standards for the entire duration of the Congress.
Entrance to the building of the Congress Hall and to all events within the framework of the Congress program is strictly according to the "green" status in the Ashyq system.
Foreign citizens, in the absence of registration with Ashyq, must have a negative PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) with them. Validity period no more than 72 hours.
Hope for your understanding!
Organizing committee
Dear participants of the Congress!
I am glad to welcome you to the next VIII Congress of Oncologists and Radiologists of Kazakhstan, which is being held at a difficult time for all of us in the online and offline format in the city of Turkestan on October 14-16, 2021, in the historical and cultural center of all Turkic-speaking countries!
The program of the Congress covers a wide range of issues oncology, such as the organization and economics of the oncological service; prevention and early detection of oncological diseases, molecular biological characteristics of tumors, radiation, surgery (thoracic oncology, breast tumors, oncourology, gynecological oncology, head and neck tumors, bone and soft tissue tumors, colorectal cancer, pediatric oncology, neurooncology); innovative methods of personalized therapy, high-tech methods of radiation therapy and targeted therapy, pathomorphology, rehabilitation and palliative care for cancer patients, implementation of screening programs, scientific research in development and evolution of malignant neoplasms and much more.
Scientists and practitioners from leading scientific and clinical centers of France, Spain, USA, Turkey, Korea, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries will make reports at the Congress. In addition, together with foreign surgeons, KazIOR specialists will conduct master classes (life surgery) on gynecological oncology, mammology and thoracic oncology.
Dear colleagues, we are glad for your participation in one of the significant events of the oncological community!